Continuous Liners assure the safe and effective transfer of powders, giving operators the ability to fill multiple bags without breaking containment Made from FDA- and EU-compliant, the Continuous Liner has been proven to provide containment levels to below 1 µg/m3 eliminating cross contamination of powders and protecting operators, product purity, and the facility. Continuous Liners can also be used in Bag In/Bag Out processes with rigid isolators and flexible enclosures, ensuring the safe transfer of tablets, vials, tools, and trash. They interface with FAMAT valve thanks the the on measure canister. Accessories include crimps and crimp removal tool, multi O-Ring Canister, and band clamps.
CH – 1933 Sembrancher
tel : +41 27 552 11 11
fax : +41 27 552 11 10
the sampling expert
Biar group is made up of swiss companies, recognized experts in sampling systems. due to its solutions for liquid, gaz and solids, Biar group responds to the needs of its customers request in sampling domain with a global reliable and responsive offer.
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